



Yuchun Liu, Bournemouth University – MSc Sustainable Tourism Planning

My Academic Excellence Scholarship

我的名字叫劉宥均,今年25歲,來自台灣。2014年入學時獲得PG Academic Excellence 獎學金。因為這筆獎學金是Bournemouth University依據新生在大學的校內成績 (包含最後一學年) 而自動頒發,所以一開始在入學通知的學費上發現獲得1000英鎊 (2014年起為3000英鎊!)的學費減免時給了我不少驚喜。
Bournemouth University 一直是我在英國念觀光研究所的第一選擇,所以一開始調查學校資料時也找了關於獎學金的資訊。在發現PG Academic Excellence獎學金是我唯一有資格申請的獎學金後,我很努力維持自己在大學的成績,也很高興我的努力有了回報。對我而言這筆獎學金不只是對家裡經濟上的支援,也代表自己對家裡微薄的貢獻,可以多少減輕父母的負擔,尤其是當我的父母在經濟上的無償支援我的學業時,能盡這一點微薄之力讓我感到很開心。
聊到在BU的課業生活,老實說在這裡的課業讓我感到很吃緊。尤其是我在台灣的大學主修是外國語文學系,著重在語言學和文學方面,所以來到英國念觀光系時,課堂內所教的內容和知識都與我以往所學相差甚遠,幾乎是從頭開始學起,所以我花了很多的時間在查詢和學習觀光產業相關的知識和概念。但即便很辛苦,我對於我現在所學的內容卻相當樂在其中!  尤其是在第二學期之後,我學到了很多如何在經濟、生態、和社會環境方面的考量之下,來永續經營和規畫觀光產業。每一堂課的課程在結束時都讓我覺得自己又學到了新的東西,也了解自己還有多少不足之處,種種這些都讓我對於自己未來的職業產生了躍躍欲試的想法,希望能有機會將自己所學實踐在工作之中。
當然在學校的生活不只是唸書而已,這一年下來我也參加了不少活動,包含在BU 語言中心擔任口語會話老師,在Dorset’s Disability Charity (多賽特傷殘慈善) 擔任志工,參加Postgraduate Development Award( 研究生發展獎),每星期固定在學校的籃球社打球,還有出國在外最不能錯過的就是和外國朋友一起出去吃飯喝酒玩樂。有了這些好朋友,挖掘市中心的餐廳和酒吧變成一件趣事和消遣,也因為有了他們,大大減輕了我一人在國外唸書的辛苦。

GCE A Levels

“Before coming to Insworld, I experienced a lot of challenges studying in a local (Singapore) school that follows a results-based system and a competitive culture. That’s why I find it quite refreshing to be finally studying in a school that provides flexible programmes and assistance to students such as free tutorial classes.”

台灣學生在 Goldsmiths College University of London – PhD Music

我這個星期過得不錯,謝謝你,你過的怎麼樣?我八號剛抵達倫敦,九號註冊。一切都剛剛開始,所以我也還在調整自己。我現在住在New Cross Gate ,但我不覺得這裡真的那麼差。到目前為止都沒有聽到歹徒的槍聲。 馬路對面有是Sainsbury超市,而且從我住的地方到Goldsmiths只需要步行10分鐘,我們住的地方後面有一個花園可以在夏天的時候烤肉,雖然我現在跟六個人共住彷彿像是住在大學宿舍,但到目前為止我覺得很ok。 找房子真的很累,但你必須習慣英國作事的方式。放鬆,放慢步伐和深呼吸。 例如,當我要去銀行開戶,即使我站在在指定的服務櫃檯(禮拜五只有上午11點至下午2點開放)手上拿著所有必要的文件在他們面前,他們仍然給我預約在下週一,此外你還必須拿出一封有地址審批蓋章的信回去。


在2006年9月,我想去英國學習,但當時我不知道如何進行。 之後,我找了一些代辦機構希望他們會給我出國留學的有用資訊,但是,他們的服務大多都要付費,有時甚至沒有真正的幫助。最後,我的朋友推薦捷先給我。開始時,我還以為捷先會像之前我去過的那些代辦中心。不過,我很快就發現我錯了。捷先所有的服務都是免費的。另一個重要的是,捷先的工作人員都非常友好並且提供了我很多有用的資訊幫我找到一個好大學。此外,我準備申請大學的個人文件他們也給了我足夠的援助。因此,根據我現在的成功經驗,我強烈建議任何想要去英國進修的人現在就去捷先! 謝謝!

Suyan Zou – Bournemouth University MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

My name is Suyan and I’m studying MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management at Bournemouth University. I have just completed my 40-week placement at one of the best seaside hotels in Bournemouth.

I used the information on BU’s MyCareerHub to help search for job vacancies, guidance on CV writing and interview techniques. I also made a number of appointments with BU’s career advisers before I actually applied for any jobs; they helped me tailor my CV and make it stand out.

Before applying, I knew that I would rather do my placement in Bournemouth, considering the inconvenience of moving and leaving the friends that I had made in Bournemouth behind. I found my placement through Bournemouth University’s MyCareerHub jobs board. The job description, company location and application process were clearly outlined. To me, this job was ideal as I would work as a management trainee and oversee all the operational business of the hotel. The application process for my placement was very straightforward. I applied immediately at the beginning of December to avoid the busy Christmas holiday period. I then had a telephone interview in January and was invited to a face-to-face interview after one week with the General Manager of the hotel.

During my interview, I was asked a lot of questions about my past experience, such as my previous part-time jobs, volunteering experience and experience of being a school representative and Bournemouth University Student Ambassador.

After two weeks, I was told that I got picked to be the only placement student working in the hotel! Hoho, lucky!

Working abroad is exciting and challenging. This job gave me greater responsibilities than I had ever had before. My job was primarily assisting the Guest Service Manager in carrying out daily operations. Training areas included working in the restaurant, room service, culinary, bar and café, conference and banqueting. Six months into my placement, I was able to manage and delegate to a team of people and train new members of staff.

I received help from my Placement Development Advisor at BU throughout my placement. He helped me make sure that I was happy with my placement and guided me to make the best of my placement year experience.

There are also some other ways that BU can help you secure your placement, such as attending career fairs and contacting the professionals, as BU’s teaching staff have connections within the industry.

Suyan Zou

台灣學生在 Insworld Institute in Singapore

GCE A Levels

“One of the main challenges that I experienced in my previous is school is that that classes are too big and that the teachers couldn’t attend to the needs of the students individually. The teachers werealso quite strict. Here at Insworld, not only are the teachers very knowledgeable in the subjects taught but they are also caring and very supportive. I also like the fact that the qualifications we can attain though Insworld are globally-recognized, which allows us to study in top universities worldwide.“

Professional Business Diploma

“In my previous school in Taiwan, our teachers couldn’t really give us individual attention because the class sizes were very big with around 30 – 40 students. Also, our timetables sometimes require us to study from 7 am to 7 pm – which I find quite stressful. At Insworld, the classes are small which makes asking questions and receiving feedbacks from my teachers easier. Our daily schedules are also flexible.”

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