
US Associate Degrees

US Associate Degrees

Getting into a good university in the United States can be quite demanding. Not only will you need a good high school GPA but also SATs and the required TOEFL IBT. A university transfer program, a good alternative to the traditional entry to freshman year, is a route that many students choose to take. Here we explain the advantages of getting onto an associate degree program first and transferring into third year of a university four year degree.

What is the difference between a University transfer program and an Associate Degree?

They are essentially the same thing – the first two years of a university degree. A transfer program is not a qualification in its own right but the Associate Degree is. Students taking the first two years of a university degree will be awarded with an associate degree. Many will have taken the course specifically to enter the third year at a university but some will have taken it to enhance their job prospects and not be interested in the final two years at a university.

Which type of institutions offer University Transfer/Associate Degree programs?

These programs are usually offered by the many community colleges that exist right across America. There are over 1500 of them so finding the right college can be difficult as they are not all geared up to take overseas students. GetSet can help you figure out which community college is for you and make sure you get the right support.

What would I study on a University Transfer Program?

Basically the university transfer program is the first two years of a US university course but taught at a community college. You will take compulsory general education in subject areas such as maths, English and science; you also need to take major program requirements and some elective subjects. The subjects you choose in the transfer program should be compatible to the subject in which want to major at university. The college should have counsellors to help you decide what courses you need to take.

Why not just go straight onto a 4 year university degree program?

There are lots of advantages of going to community college first and here are some.
  • Tuition fees are far lower, usually half of what they are at a university.
  • Small classes on a transfer program as opposed to big lectures of 300 plus students at a university.
  • Professional, qualified teachers at a community college, often teachers at universities are graduate students.
  • 50% of all Americans choose the community college route to university degree study.

Does Canada have transfer programs?

Yes, in much the same way as the US though Canada doesn’t really have community colleges, just colleges.
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